
REST API for Records.

Invenio-Records-REST is a core component of Invenio which provides configurable REST APIs for searching, retrieving, creating, modifying and deleting records.

The module uses a search engine and builds on top a REST API that supports features such as:

  • Search with sorting, filtering, aggregations and pagination, which allows the full capabilities of the search engine to be used, such as geo-based quering.

  • Record serialization and transformation (e.g., JSON, XML, CSV, DataCite, DublinCore, JSON-LD, MARCXML, Citation Style Language).

  • Pluggable query parser.

  • Tombstones and record redirection.

  • Customizable access control.

  • Configurable record namespaces for exposing different classes of records (e.g., authors, publications, grants, …).

  • CRUD operations for records with support for persistent identifier minting.

  • Super-fast completion suggesters for implementing Google-like instant autocomplete suggestions.

The REST API follows best practices and supports, e.g.:

  • Content negotiation and links headers.

  • Cache control via ETags and Last-Modified headers.

  • Optimistic concurrency control via ETags.

  • Rate-limiting, Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, and various security headers.

The Search REST API works as the central entry point in Invenio for accessing records. The REST API in combination with, e.g., Invenio-Search-UI/JS allows to easily display records anywhere in Invenio and still only maintain one single search endpoint.

For further extending the REST API take a look at the guide in Invenio-REST:



A record in Invenio consists of a structured collection of fields and values (metadata), which provides information about other data. The format of these records is defined by a schema, which is represented in Invenio as JSONSchema. Since the format of a record can change over time, it can be associated to different JSONSchema versions. For more information on records and schemas visit InvenioRecords.

Search engine

Records are represented as JSON documents internally in the search engine and grouped under an index specified in the configuration, an index represents a collection of documents with similar characteristics. Because the shape of a record can change with time, there is the possibility to group indices with the same meaning but with different versions under an alias. Besides, aliases can help for grouping and easy filtering purposes. The structure, internal fields of the documents, along with indexing preferences can be defined by mappings, applied to specific indices. A mapping is a JSON file, which is loaded during initialization by Invenio-Search from a path defined by an entrypoint. The layout of a mapping can highly affect the search and indexing performance.


First create a Flask application:

>>> from flask import Flask
>>> app = Flask('myapp')
>>> app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite://'

Initialize the required dependencies:

>>> from invenio_db import InvenioDB
>>> from invenio_rest import InvenioREST
>>> from invenio_pidstore import InvenioPIDStore
>>> from invenio_records import InvenioRecords
>>> from invenio_records_rest import InvenioRecordsREST
>>> from invenio_search import InvenioSearch
>>> from invenio_indexer import InvenioIndexer
>>> from invenio_records_rest.utils import PIDConverter
>>> ext_db = InvenioDB(app)
>>> ext_rest = InvenioREST(app)
>>> ext_pidstore = InvenioPIDStore(app)
>>> ext_records = InvenioRecords(app)
>>> ext_search = InvenioSearch(app)
>>> ext_indexer = InvenioIndexer(app)
>>> app.url_map.converters['pid'] = PIDConverter

In order for the following examples to work, you need to work within a Flask application context so let’s push one:

>>> ctx = app.app_context()
>>> ctx.push()

Also, for the examples to work we need to create the database and tables (note that in this example we use an in-memory SQLite database):

>>> from invenio_db import db
>>> db.create_all()


Namespaces are an important concept in Invenio-Records-REST. You can think of them as a way of grouping related metadata. Imagine a namespace called records and another authors. You could use records to provide bibliographic metadata and authors for author metadata. A namespace is mapped one to one to search engine indices or aliases.

In Invenio-Records-REST these namespaces are mapped to endpoints (i.e., /records/ or /authors/). Inside these namespaces you can make unique reference to specific records thanks to the persistent identifiers. Going back to our general example, a persistent identifier for our namespace authors could be an ORCID and a specific author would be identified by an endpoint like /authors/0000-0002-1825-0097.

The just above mentioned persistent identifiers need minters and fetchers so Invenio-Records-REST knows how to create and retrieve them. A minter is a small function which makes a record unique under a given schema (i.e. DOI, ORCID), so this identifier and any other field needed will be added to the record metadata. A fetcher on the other hand, is a small function that retrieves records minted following a certain persistent identifier schema such as DOI.

Among other preferences, routes, PID types, as well as search specific options are customizable through configuration. The following dictionary shows the default options in the out of the box minimal configuration.

>>> from invenio_indexer.api import RecordIndexer
>>> from invenio_search import RecordsSearch
>>> app.config.update({'RECORDS_REST_ENDPOINTS': dict(recid=dict(
...     pid_type='recid',
...     pid_minter='recid',
...     pid_fetcher='recid',
...     search_class=RecordsSearch,
...     indexer_class=RecordIndexer,
...     search_index=None,
...     record_serializers={
...         'application/json': ('invenio_records_rest.serializers'
...                              ':json_v1_response'),
...     },
...     search_serializers={
...         'application/json': ('invenio_records_rest.serializers'
...                              ':json_v1_search'),
...     },
...     list_route='/records/',
...     item_route='/records/<pid(recid):pid_value>',
...     default_media_type='application/json',
...     max_result_window=10000,
...     error_handlers=dict(),
...     ))}
... )
>>> ext_records_rest = InvenioRecordsREST(app)

This configuration is not limited to only one endpoint, we could define as many as we want. This is an idea on how /authors/ would be implemented:

>>> app.config.update({'RECORDS_REST_ENDPOINTS': dict(authors=dict(
...    pid_type='orcid',
...    # ...,
...    list_route='/authors/',
...    item_route='/authors/<pid(orcid):pid_value>',
...    # ...,
... ))})

Demo data

Once you have this code you can run the application and create some records:

$ curl -L -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -d '{"title": "Test Record 1"}' -XPOST localhost:5000/records
$ curl -L -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -d '{"title": "Test Record 2"}' -XPOST localhost:5000/records


Invenio-Records-REST offers a rich set of fundamental search operations using query strings, filters, sorting and pagination and also more advanced operations including aggregations and suggestions.



Sorting is based by default on a relevance score, but this can be configured as well. The following ways are possible:

This can be configured through the RECORDS_REST_SORT_OPTIONS:

...    records=dict(
...        bestmatch=dict(
...            title='Best match',
...            fields=['_score'],
...        default_order='desc',
...            order=1,
...        ),
...        mostrecent=dict(
...        title='Most recent',
...            fields=['_created'],
...            default_order='asc',
...            order=2,
...        ),
...    )
... )

The default configuration will return the results sorted by the best match when filtering by a given query, or sorted by their creation date when querying all results:

...    records=dict(
...        query='bestmatch',
...        noquery='mostrecent',
...    )
... )

Query parser

The search syntax for the various queries is powered by the query parser used. Internally the query parser is referred to as the search factory. This defaults to the Q() parser from elasticsearch_dsl.


Its features include:

  • field names and operators

  • exists/missing

  • ranges

  • wildcards and regular expressions

  • fuzziness

  • proximity search

  • boosting

A custom query parser can also be plugged in by setting the search_factory_imp option in RECORDS_REST_ENDPOINTS to point to the function implementing it:

>>> from invenio_records_rest.query import default_search_factory
>>> from invenio_search.engine import dsl
>>> def my_query_parser(qstr=None):
...     if qstr:
...         return dsl.Q('query_string', query=qstr)
...     return dsl.Q()
>>> def my_search_factory(*args, **kwargs):
...     return default_search_factory(*args,
...                                   query_parser=my_query_parser, **kwargs)
...     'recid': {
...         # ...
...         'search_factory_imp': my_search_factory,
...      }
... }


Through the /records/_suggest?text= entrypoint the suggest feature of the search engine is exposed. The suggest feature suggests similar looking terms based on a provided text by using a suggester. This endpoint is configurable and takes a dictionary specifying the suggestion fields and their url query parameters. The field names are linked to the ones specified in the search engine schema.

Advanced customization

  • Invenio-Records-REST can be fine-tuned in terms of search capabilities through the search_factory configuration. As an example, we could:

>>> from invenio_records_rest.query import es_search_factory
>>> def custom_search_factory(*args, **kwargs):
...     print(args)
...     return es_search_factory(*args, **kwargs)
...    recid=dict(
...        search_factory_imp=custom_search_factory
...    )
... )

Creating a custom search factory can enable full control over the search engine’s Search API. Some of the features available include rank evaluation, post filters, highlighting, index boosting among others. For the full list see the full search engine documentation for the Search API.

  • As the default search behaviour can be adjusted, Invenio-Records-REST also offers the possibility to define custom search exceptions.

>>> from invenio_records_rest.errors import InvalidQueryRESTError
>>> def custom_query_parsing_error(error):
...     description = 'There is an error in your query syntax.'
...     return InvalidQueryRESTError(description=description).get_response()
...    query_parsing_exception=custom_query_parsing_error
... )
  • Max Results Window In the case where you execute a query and the number of results exceed the max_results_window you will get a 400 error. This limit is passed to the search engine and can be configured by the RECORDS_REST_ENDPOINTS, by default it is set to 10000.

  • Fetching records from the search engine To retrieve records in the REST API we make use of fetchers. These functions take the record unique identifiers and return FetchedPID objects, which consist of the Persistent Identifier and the record data. The fetcher for each endpoint in Invenio-Records-REST can be configured and it is defined by its name, default is recid. To register a new fetcher, add the invenio_pidstore.fetchers entrypoint in the of a module and point it to the fetcher function. For more information on fetchers, see the corresponding paragraph in Invenio-PIDStore.

    The fetchers by default will query the database, but this can be redirected to the search engine according to the needs of the application. More specifically, the fetcher takes as a parameter a provider object, which is responsible for the querying. In order to change the behavior of the GET one would write a new provider class to override the get() method of the BaseProvider and query the search engine.


A key feature of invenio-records-rest is the ability to transform records from JSON to other formats. Through this process the content of records can be enriched, removed of sensitive information when required or be export in standardized bibliographic formats like DataCite, DublinCore.

Content negotiation

The serializer which will be used is chosen by the MIME type specified in the headers of the request. There can be different serializers for the multiple results returned by a search query, and the single result returned when querying for specific records. This can be configured in the following part of the records rest endpoints:

...    recid=dict(
...       record_serializers={
...          'application/json':('invenio_records_rest.serializers'
...                              ':json_v1_response'),
...       },
...       search_serializers={
...          'application/json':('invenio_records_rest.serializers'
...                              ':json_v1_search'),
...       }
...    )
... )

With the usage of MIME types it is also possible to specify the version of a given serialization, as serialization schemas can have newer versions over time. More specifically, if we have created two serializers, one for DataCite’s version 3.1 metadata schema and one for version 4.1, we can specify which one we require in the Accept http header field. For example, if we have set in the configuration:

>>> record_serializer={
...    'application/datacite.v3.1+xml': ('invenio_records_rest.serializers'
...                                      ':datacite_response_v31'),
...    'application/datacite.v4.1+xml': ('invenio_records_rest.serializers'
...                                      ':datacite_response_v41'),
... }

Then we can send an http request with the http headers containing Accept:application/datacite.v3.1+xml or Accept:application/datacite.v4.1+xml and receive the output in the different formats.


The serializers typically will follow a certain number of steps to process records. For example, for records returned as results to a search query the format is dictated from the search engine, while for requests for specific records the format comes from the database. The output has to be consistent so a first step is to create the different methods to synchronize the data which will be returned. The abstract classes with the boilerplate for this workflow are in invenio_records_rest.serializers.base.

Additionally, we can define more steps to anonymize the data, if sensitive information need to be excluded or enrich it, by adding extra fields.

Citation formatting

A common application of serialization is to output a citation from the record content. For this task the CiteprocSerializer, which in turn is based on the citeproc-py module, is used. To produce the citation text, a schema is required which defines what fields have to be present. For example the following schemas will create a citation with the title, abstract and authors of a given record:

>>> from marshmallow import Schema, fields
>>> class AuthorSchema(Schema):
...    family = fields.Method('get_family_name')
...    def get_family_name(self, obj):
...        return obj['name']
>>> class SimpleRecordSchema(Schema):
...    id = fields.Integer(attribute='pid.pid_value')
...    type = fields.Method('get_type')
...    title = fields.Str(attribute='metadata.title')
...    abstract = fields.Str(attribute='metadata.description')
...    author = fields.List(fields.Nested(AuthorSchema),
...                         attribute='metadata.creators')
...    def get_type(self, obj):
...        return 'article'

Also, we need to create a serializer to use the serializer CiteprocSerializer:

>>> from invenio_records_rest.serializers.json import JSONSerializer
>>> from invenio_records_rest.serializers.citeproc import CiteprocSerializer
>>> from invenio_records_rest.serializers.response import record_responsify
>>> csl_v1 = JSONSerializer(SimpleRecordSchema, replace_refs=True)
>>> citeproc_v1 = CiteprocSerializer(csl_v1)
>>> citeproc_v1_resp = record_responsify(citeproc_v1, 'text/x-bibliography')

and register it in our RECORDS_REST_ENDPOINTS for Accept:text/x-bibliography:

...    recid=dict(
...       record_serializers={
...          'application/json':('invenio_records_rest.serializers'
...                              ':json_v1_response'),
...          'text/x-bibliography':('invenio_records_rest.serializers'
...                                 ':citeproc_v1_resp'),
...       }
...    )
... )

Then, we can create a record with:

$ curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"title":"Sample Record", "creators":[{"name": "First Name, Last Name"}], "description": "Abstract"}' -XPOST <HOST>/records/

and retrieve the citation for it with:

$ curl -H "Accept:text/x-bibliography" -XGET <HOST>/records/<PID>
First Name, Last Name, Sample Record.

In a similar way, schemas can be defined to be used with a serializer, inheriting from the MarshmallowMixin, and do any type of transformation to the JSON objects that are exchanged in the REST API.

Data formats

Typical serialization formats are:


  • XML: DataCite, DublinCore, MARCXML

  • Text: Citation formatting

For some examples on the implementation of these serializers you can see the ones present in different invenio instances such as:

Tombstones and redirection

When it comes to manage changes regarding PIDs such as deletions and redirections, Invenio-Records-REST offers ways to:

  • Customize tombstones:

>>> from invenio_records_rest.errors import PIDDeletedRESTError
>>> def custom_deleted_pid_error_handler(error):
...     record = error.pid_error.record or {}
...     description={
...         'status': 410,
...         'message': error.description,
...         'removal_reason': record.get('removal_reason')}
...     return PIDDeletedRESTError(description=description).get_response()
>>> app.config.update({'RECORDS_REST_ENDPOINTS':
...   {'recid':
...      {'error_handlers':
...         {'PIDDeletedRESTError': custom_deleted_pid_error_handler}
...      }
...   }
... })
  • Manage redirects:

(reference with PIDstore, explain how it scans RECORDS_REST_ENDPOINTS to pick

the target endpoint)

Access control

Invenio-Records-REST is highly customizable in terms of access control. This customization can be done by using permission factories. By default two permission factories are offered within the package, allow_all and deny_all. For example, if we wanted to allow creation and retrieval of records by any user, and deny deletion and update for all users, we would to the following:

>>> from invenio_records_rest.utils import allow_all, deny_all
...    recid=dict(
...        create_permission_factory_imp=allow_all,
...        delete_permission_factory_imp=deny_all,
...        update_permission_factory_imp=deny_all,
...        read_permission_factory_imp=allow_all,
...    )
... )

Note: In order to have a full setup with access controll you should install Invenio-Accounts.

It is also possible to filter search results based on the status of the requesting user. A simple example is when a normal logged in user searches for all records and we want to return a list of all records, excluding the ones that have been set to closed access from their creators. These records are also referred to as under embargo, and it is a typical scenario when an author wants to publish an article after a given date. An indexed record will include list of owners, so this procedure can be summarized in creating a new search class that includes this permission check. An example of such a search class is the following:

>>> from flask_login import current_user
>>> def deposits_filter():
...    return dsl.Q(
...       'match', **{'_deposit.owners': getattr(current_user, 'id', 0)}
...    )
>>> class CustomSearch:
...    class Meta:
...       index = 'deposits'
...       # ...
...       default_filter = deposits_filter

It filters out records that are in a deposit state. The corresponding endpoint’s configuration:

...    'depid': {
...       # ...,
...       'search_class': '',
...       # ...,
...    }
... }

The following section shows the way to create permission factories, and for more examples you can directly see the ones used in production in the Invenio instances:


If the default access control factories are not enough for your use case, you can always create your own permission factories. Here is an example on how to quickly configure the instance to allow the creation, deletion, update and read only on records with the title Hello World.

(for creating records )

>>> def permission_check_factory(record):
...     record = record or {}
...     def can(self):
...         if kwargs.get('record').get('title') == 'Hello World':
...             return True
...     return type('Check', (), {'can': can})()
...    recid=dict(
...        create_permission_factory_imp=permission_check_factory,
...        delete_permission_factory_imp=permission_check_factory,
...        update_permission_factory_imp=permission_check_factory,
...        read_permission_factory_imp=permission_check_factory,
...    )
... )

For more information on access restriction you can read Invenio-Access documentation.


Requests carrying out CRUD operations are sent along with data, which need to be transformed to the internal objects for processing to occur. This is the job of the loaders. These work in the reverse direction of the serializers, and are confiurable as well, in the same way.

Following the deserialization of the data passed in the request, a record or deposit has to be attained so the operation can be performed. To fectch the corresponding object a fetcher is used, typically provided by Invenio-PIDStore.